何婷婷 2015年進入億博檢測技術有限公司,擔任高級銷售顧問。
精通各類檢測認證標準,服務過上千家企業。 聯系方式:13570847473(微信同號) 座機:0755-33126673 傳真:0755-22639141
Nemko認證是世界性獨立的機電產品測試認證機構。最初成立于 1933 年,至今已有近 70 年的發展歷史。其前身是挪威國家商檢局,從 1991 年開始完全獨立,成為 IEC 提名的認證機構之一并參與制定相關標準。長期以來, Nemko認證對標準透徹的理解并忠實于此嚴謹作風,樹立了其作為認證機構權威、公正、負責的國際形象。
Nemko在辦公設備及電腦設備領域頒發了世界上最多的 CB 證書,并被歐共體公告為低電壓指令、機械指令、爆炸環境器材、醫療器械指令和電磁兼容指令的認證機構( Notified / Competent Body )。
Nemko總部設在挪威首都奧斯陸,并在德國、意大利、美國、英國、西班牙、日本、韓國、中國大陸及臺灣設有分公司(或辦事處)。依靠廣泛的分支機構、國際合作及雙邊協議, Nemko 能夠迅速提供多種認證,使您的產品順利進入國際市場。
N-mark The well-known N-mark is a certification mark based on Nemko’s own testing or results performed by labratories according to multi-national or bi-lateral agreement or by otherwise Nemko accepted labratories including all authorized manufacturers. The mark signifies that Nemko has tested or certified the product according to national standards official safety regulations in Norway.
(which in principle are aquivalent to those of the other European EU/EEA states)
The N-mark is well-established among the consumers nationally, and on the international industrial
markets. Consumer surveys show that 70% of the Norwegian population is familiar
with the N-mark and its safety and quality. Followed by a product certificate, the
N-mark also provides manufacturers and importers with an assurance that their
product fulfills all technical demands relevant to Norway in particular and to Europe
in general. Within the Nemko organization, we offer several optional marks and
labels that provide further documentation of quality and safety in sales and
marketing activities. Different product categories are subject to different safety
demands. Consequently, our marks and labels differ accordingly
何婷婷 2015年進入億博檢測技術有限公司,擔任高級銷售顧問。
精通各類檢測認證標準,服務過上千家企業。 聯系方式:13570847473(微信同號) 座機:0755-33126673 傳真:0755-22639141